
Of course, the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. It can make people’s lives convenient and also have other effects on our lives. People’s daily communication is also through social platforms. Communication on the internet takes up the majority of it. Furthermore, there are also a lot of people worried about what to do if they can’t start school normally, but the live video streaming of the network without stopping school and a lot of auxiliary means make a lot of teachers become the main force in the live streaming world. The past live platform is actually subject to the unanimous accusation of everyone, think are playing with things, or in order to cause a lot of sensational effects to take some unconventional means, but I also quite love some types of life, such as guidance calligraphy, teaching musical instruments in the network of such types of life is also quite a lot, and now the teacher involved, such life caused by the effect of better. Now is not the same live in addition to the teacher there are so many businesses, stores cannot open, we also have shopping needs, the construction of the platform of the sales network is also the need for the process, for local people to the physical store webcast is a very good channel to bring goods. In fact, the application of such a network, especially the application of the network close to ordinary life can better help everyone to get a new channel and is effective publicity channel, such channel is the merit of the development of the network, which is the rapid development of the network is a huge role, but also a new mode of our better life.


The development of the PLN network in the world is a major feature, the Internet applications are endless, and now the network can be said to solve all kinds of problems in everyone’s life. The new crown pandemic is indeed affecting everyone’s life, do not go out home, although we are not used to the depth of the use of the network, the convenience of the network has to be said that everyone re-acquainted with the network. In the past, many people of the older generation felt that the network was of little use, except for the cultivation of a group of real lazybones without much effect. In the past, you still have to go downstairs to the restaurant, now basically the network to order takeaway is waiting at home to open the door on the line. Nowadays, young people are indeed sometimes quite lazy, but nowadays life is such a condition is also such a convenient condition. But the existence of the network has to say that it can greatly assist our lives so that we can live better and more comfortably. We can expect that more and more people will get used to using the Internet in the future, especially those of the older generation who did not use it much in the past. And the development of the network will gradually help people to solve the practical problems in life so that the development of the network is better for everyone to experience the good life, the development of the network can also be a good direction. The importance of PLN during the pandemic is reflected in the work-life, students’ study life (online classes), and people’s daily communication (social media), respectively.

Communication Part

Social media has greatly changed our way of communication and brought many benefits into our life. People can access unlimited information and contact others from all over the world almost immediately. It is also a powerful tool to motivate people to take action and make social changes. It provides a platform for young people’s voices to express their opinions on issues closely related to them. During the pandemic, people are stuck at home for a long time, in the meantime, the social media platform brings a huge benefit for users. For example, on Instagram, if users search for a tag, they will see more than 16 million posts that include the tag words. Anyone who is interested in a topic will search or pay attention to it. If their article uses the correct or relevant tag, then others can find the article when searching for tag words and might interact with the article and follow it. That app makes making new friends becomes no longer difficult. A very important point of making friends on the Internet is to learn to be inclusive and a good listener.

Listening can help people really understand others. A person can’t enter others’ inner world without in-depth contact or conversation with them. The subjective judgment is often superficial, which leads to wrong decisions. However, listening can help them get to know others better and make their interpersonal communication more efficient. On the other hand, communicating with others on the internet can be dangerous sometimes. There are more and more online fraudsters. Due to the cost of online fraud being low and the operation is simple. Make a strategy and then execute it and what they going to do is wait for the netizens to hook it up. Another point is that the Internet is becoming more and more popular. Many people, especially the older generation don’t know what things are going on on the Internet, so they are very gullible. Low cost, low risk, wide audience, and high profit, are the main reason why more cyber fraudsters are willing to take risks. In nowadays, the internet does bring lots of benefits to us, but we must always stay alert!


Miller, J. (2021, June 1). EDCI-338 MARKIEL SIMPSON. YouTube.
Miller. (June7,2021). Jody Vance – Media Voices. YouTube.

Work Part

In today’s society, the Internet and mobile communication are rapidly popularized all over the world. As early as 2013, more than 2.7 billion people were using the Internet. Creating PLN on the Internet has become a necessary behavior for contemporary people to show themselves. PLN had a great impact on people’s work during covid-19. During the pandemic, companies and governments avoided some offline offices and interviews. Many companies require employees to work at home, which will lead to the inability of employees to understand each other face to face. In this case, creating a PLN will help them have some work communication. They can have a basic understanding of each other through their PLN to avoid unhappiness at work. This kind of PLN can introduce each other. For example, people can pay attention to each other with colleagues in the same company on Twitter, and understand each other’s Thoughts on life or professional fields according to their comments. Then carry out some effective communication and interaction. In addition to working effectively with colleagues in current companies, the creation of professional PLNs also helps people seek new job opportunities during the pandemic. 

LinkedIn is a good platform to go during the pandemic. Registering an account in LinkedIn and enriching your PLN can have a positive impact on job hunting. Fill in some information on the LinkedIn page to create a digital identity to introduce yourself. People can write basic information in the introduction part, such as age, gender, hobbies, educational background, internship experience, project experience, etc. Those will be a good opportunity to show your advantages and keep in touch with others. Through people’s LinkedIn account, the company can learn about their educational experience and internship projects they participated in. This provides users with exposure to job hunting, which may lead to more job opportunities. All in all, during Covid-19, people changed a lot of offline working methods and tried a new online working method through the Internet. They enrich themselves and understand others by creating professional PLNs, so as to complete effective work communication and job search process.


Giudice, M, “From Information Society to Network Society: The Challenge.” Social Media and Emerging Economies: Technological, Cultural and Economic Implications (SpringerBriefs in Business), 2014th ed., Springer, 2013, pp. 71–88, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02490-5.

Study Part

A campus of a university or a college comprises a population of students living and studying in close proximity. These cultural centers are also attractive to students from around the world. Several significant foundational aspects of this unique ecosystem have been impacted by the rapid spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19), resulting in uncertainty about its impact on higher education. In response to the spread of Coronavirus, colleges and universities all over the world have canceled classes and closed their doors. As a consequence, colleges and universities in the United States are shifting to an online education model. The educational process is also increasingly being conducted online.

There is an important question about whether students perform well in 2020? Sadly, the answer is no. Classes conducted online do not provide the same immediate and regular contact with instructors and classmates as courses taught in person. Most communications are conducted via e-mail or by way of virtual discussion forums. However, it has a negative impact on a student’s ability to interact with professors, ask questions, and receive immediate assistance. Additionally, it inhibits the informal social interaction and team building that takes place in college classrooms. In concrete terms, online classes are associated with a higher number of class failures and dropouts. Researchers at the Columbia University Community College Research Center reported in July 2011 that community college students in Washington were more likely to drop online courses compared to traditional classes. It is estimated that over 90% of traditional courses were completed, while 82 percent of online courses were completed. Also, students taking online courses in the study were less likely to complete a degree or transfer to another institution. Study results from 2004 revealed that dropout rates among students who took at least one online course during the fall semester were 34 percent higher than for students who took only face-to-face courses.

Furthermore, the covid affects student mental wellbeing, since they face the computer rather than face friends in person. This reduces their enthusiasm and makes it difficult to return to school when classes reopen. Some parents have expressed concerns regarding their children’s psychological and emotional well-being amid the pandemic response measures. As a result of school closings, not only were most students’ learning modes altered but their social networks and interactions with classmates and teachers were also affected greatly. School districts and teachers will need to focus their attention on ways to support children’s social and emotional needs as they reacclimate to school and in-person learning as social distancing limitations ease. 


Negative Effects of Online Courses

Examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on family mental health in Canada

Final project


Group Project: Building A Personal Learning Network (PLN)

Group member: Jiayi Rao, Norman, Yuqing Wang (valerieyq), Caroline Wang